Full Curriculum

Unit V: Exhibiting Students’ Work

Unit V, “Exhibiting Students’ Work” helps you and your students organize an exhibition of students’ photographs and texts, as the culmination of their learning process.

Lesson 1: Connecting Image and Text 

Time: 50 minutes Materials: Students’ photographs Worksheet W: Sharing Your Work Handout X: Zion Ozeri’s Artist Statement Curriculum sample texts Preparation: Photocopy worksheets W and X (one for each student). Overview:  In this lesson, students share feedback on each other’s...

Lesson 2: Creating the Exhibition 

Time: 2 sessions, each 50 minutes Materials: Student photographs for display Mat board, foam core, oak tag, or other material for framing and displaying artwork Double-sided tape, spray mount, glue sticks, binder clips, easels, thumbtacks, and/or pins for mounting...



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